Glow Wow
2004 pulverized water system (cloud); RGB LED projectors, DMX controller.
dimensions (cloud radius): 3.5 mt (approx)
Glow Wow is about colour composition. Not on a plane nor in space, but on the timeline dimension. Like a song, or a film. Slow passages, fast pulses, smooth mixes, crescendi, pauses, alternating complementary colours, long “tones”… It plays with how our short-term perception memory relates different colour hues. Again, like the sequence of events in a musical composition. Glow Wow uses a hemispheric cloud of pulverized water as “support” to catch the coloured light produced by a set of variable colour projectors installed on its base. The programming, or composition, was executed using computer software, to “read” chromatic information from digital images, translating pixel RGB values into colour control data.