Dazed & Confused
2004 existent room, window, fog machines, strobe lights, dmx controller.
dimensions: 20 x 11 x 6 mt (room) / 8,5 x 2,8 mt (window)
This work deals with disorientation, loss of spatial reference and depth perception. A large room is filled with dense fog. Visitors can go inside the room and “get lost”. Four powerful strobe lights (1500 W) are placed on the top corners of the room, synchronized and acting as one. As the strobe lights pulse at very high speed and the light visually “activates” the fog, the whole room gets filled with very intense, throbbing white light. For the viewers inside the room, perception is deeply altered and space becomes abstract, infinite, “disappears”… For visitors more sensitive to strong perceptual experiences, a large window allows the work to be seen, but not experienced, from outside.
Dazed & Confused was mentioned by Adrian Searle in an article in “The Guardian” about Anthony Gorlmley’s “Blind Light” (Hayward Gallery, London, 2007).